The goal of Effective Selling is not to teach you how to make a sale today, but to help you discover how you can easily convert a potential customer into a long term asset. Effective Selling will help you lay the groundwork for repeat business and your future success. In sales, there are no quick fixes. However, with the knowledge, planning skills, communication techniques, and the understanding of human nature that you will gain from this course, your sales will grow as if by magic.
What You Will Learn
The core skills include
Laying the Groundwork
This first lesson lays the groundwork for successful sales. We'll review some basic sales terminology and talk about how it relates to your profession. You'll learn about appropriateness and how it can be a powerful tool for your success. This lesson will start the new salesperson off with the right tools to succeed.
Itineraries, Sales Call Reports, and the Customer Database
In this lesson, we'll talk about itineraries, sales call reports, and the customer database. Nothing is more important in sales than tracking your progress, your customers, and your prospects. Preparation and record keeping will keep you one step ahead of the competition. You'll also learn how to schedule follow-up calls to avoid letting potential sales pass you by.
Selling Yourself, Your Company, and Your Product
To be successful in sales, you must learn to sell three things: Yourself, your company, and your product. In this lesson, you'll learn the importance of all of these, and you'll learn how to make them work in your favor. And no matter how good you are in sales, you will eventually experience a sales slump. You'll learn the simple steps to work through this slump and come through it in a stronger position.
Communication Skills
If you can't communicate, you can¹t sell. That's why communication is the focus of this lesson. You will learn how to effectively communicate with your customers and prospects in order to minimize problems and maximize customer loyalty. Just as important is your communication with your own company. Stop problems before they start, and your sales will increase dramatically.
Developing Effective Sales Presentations
In the first four lessons, we laid out a strong foundation for your sales efforts. In this lesson, you'll learn how to develop your sales presentation. A good sales presentation can mean the difference between making the sale and going home empty-handed. Learn how to guide the prospect to placing the order by using these proven techniques.
Recognizing Personality Types
You'll encounter seven different types of personalities during your sales career, and you'll meet them all in this lesson. Who are they? How can you identify them? How can you relate to them? Most important, how can you sell to them? In this lesson, we'll talk about how to identify which personality type you're dealing with so you can develop a unique selling strategy for each of them.
Presentations for Different Personality Types
Knowing how to create an effective presentation, and how to identify the different personality types is essential knowledge. In Lesson 7, you'll learn how to apply the knowledge you gained in the previous two lessons. You'll learn how to modify your presentation to meet the expectations of each of the personality types-a recipe for success!
Closing the Sale
The ultimate goal of the salesperson is to make-or close-the sale. There are six basic types of closes, and in this lesson we'll discuss them all. More importantly, you'll learn how to put each type to use for the greatest effect.
Effective Negotiation
Can you negotiate a contract that pleases your customer and increases your total sales and profit? Of course! In this lesson, you'll learn the techniques of successful negotiation. There really is a win/win solution, and you'll learn how to find it in this lesson.
Difficult Situations
In our final lesson, we'll delve into some big questions that salespeople must ask themselves. How do you deal with the customer that won't return your calls? How important are ethics in the world of sales? How do you deal with the seemingly constant rejection? We'll ask-and answer-them all in this lesson
Previous work experience in any field
This can be delivered on-demand as a 3-day intensive program virtually or in-person
Potential job opportunities after this Course
Sales Manager, Marketing Manager